Wedrówka studentów Piotra i Jakuba 2000


There is one thing that cannot be tolerated in Europe - love between a white woman and a Romanian man. There is no place for them to live and be happy. How do these two best friends and students react to this racial discrimination?

All Titles
  • CZ: Zpráva o putování studentu Petra a Jakuba Zpráva o putování studentu Petra a Jakuba
  • HU: Petr és Jakub diák vándorlásai Petr és Jakub diák vándorlásai
  • CZ: The Pilgrimage of Students Peter and Jacob The Pilgrimage of Students Peter and Jacob
Released 07 Sep 2000
Links IMDb


Wedrówka studentów Piotra i Jakuba 2000