Ataki snieznych potworów 2011


A quest for riches becomes a fight for survival after treasure hunters find snow monsters on a mountain in the Arctic.

All Titles
  • Wściekłość Yeti
  • US: Rage of the Yeti Rage of the Yeti
  • BR: A Ira do Yeti A Ira do Yeti
  • BG: Яростта на Йети Яростта на Йети
  • CA: La fureur du yéti La fureur du yéti
  • CA: Rage of the Yeti Rage of the Yeti
  • FR: La Fureur du Yeti La Fureur du Yeti
  • JP: U.M.A Hunters U.M.A Hunters
  • PT: A Fúria do Abominável Homem das Neves A Fúria do Abominável Homem das Neves
  • RO: Furia lui Yeti Furia lui Yeti
  • RU: Гнев Йети Гнев Йети
  • ES: La furia del yeti La furia del yeti
Released 12 Nov 2011
Links IMDb
